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What We Believe





We believe in one divine being that reveals Himself in three apparent but indivisible ways, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



God | The Creator


We believe that God is creator and sustainer of the universe. As our Father and Creator, he desires, seeks, and longs for an intimate and eternal relationship with his creation. In order to express His unconditional love, He sent His one and only son Jesus Christ to rescue us (John 3:16).


God | The Savior


We believe that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin, Mary. He voluntarily chose to become human, live a sinless life, and pay the ultimate price for us -- death by crucifixion. However, we believe that three days after His death, He resuscitated, and later ascended to Heaven, where He continues to be a mediator between God and mankind. We believe that in the end of time, Jesus will return to earth to fulfill His eternal plan.


God | The Counselor


We believe that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God that dwells in every Christ-follower. He  equips and guides Christ-followers in understanding and applying God’s word and values -- He leads Christ-followers to a Christ-like life.

 We believe that salvation is for all humanity, given to us by grace, and achieved by repentance and faith that Christ is our Savior and Lord.


We believe that the church mirrors Christ in the world. The church is the body of Christ, where He is the head and Christ-followers are the body. Christ infuses Christ-followers with different talents, callings, and responsibilities in order for the proper functioning of His body.


As the church, we are commended to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-39).


We believe that the Bible is God’s living word -- completely accurate, reliable, and relevant. We believe that He conveys His divine character, principles, and values in all sixty-six books of the Bible.


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